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نظرسنجی سایت

   دانلود مقاله Evidence of managerial opportunism in Australia

پنجشنبه , 28 آذر 1392 ساعت 12:56 دسته بندی : جورنال ,

دانلود مقاله : 

Evidence of managerial opportunism in Australia

نویسنده : 

Andrew Trumble, (Department of Finance, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia), Sean Pinder, (Department of Finance, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia)

دانلود - 1000 تومان

10 1108 10309611211244492 Permanent URL , Australia , Executive compensation , Managerial opportunism , Options backdating , Pay , بانک مقاله حسابداری , دانلود مقاله , دانلود مقاله Evidence of managerial opportunism in Australia , دانلود مقاله ای اس ای حسابداری

   دانلود مقاله Market reactions to qualified audit reports: research approaches

پنجشنبه , 28 آذر 1392 ساعت 12:56 دسته بندی : جورنال ,

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Market reactions to qualified audit reports: research approaches

نویسنده : 

Kim Ittonen, (Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland)

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Market reactions to qualified audit reports research approaches , بانک مقاله حسابداری , دانلود مقاله , دانلود مقاله Market reactions to qualified audit reports research approaches , دانلود مقاله ای اس ای حسابداری

   دانلود مقاله Forecasting confidence under segment reporting

پنجشنبه , 28 آذر 1392 ساعت 12:56 دسته بندی : جورنال ,

دانلود مقاله : 

Forecasting confidence under segment reporting

نویسنده : 

Jacqueline Birt, (Department of Accounting & Finance, Monash University, Caufield East, Australia), Greg Shailer, (School of Accounting & Business Information Systems, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia)

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Forecasting confidence under segment reporting , بانک مقاله حسابداری , دانلود مقاله , دانلود مقاله Forecasting confidence under segment reporting , دانلود مقاله ای اس ای حسابداری

   دانلود مقاله Developing and enhancing independent learning skills: Using video tutorials as a means of helping students help themselves

پنجشنبه , 28 آذر 1392 ساعت 12:56 دسته بندی : جورنال ,

دانلود مقاله : 

Developing and enhancing independent learning skills: Using video tutorials as a means of helping students help themselves

نویسنده : 

Belinda Luke, (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia), Kate Hogarth, (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia)

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DOI 10 1108 10309611111187019 Permanent URL , بانک مقاله حسابداری , دانلود مقاله , دانلود مقاله Developing and enhancing independent learning skills Using video tutorials as a means of helping students help themselves , دانلود مقاله ای اس ای حسابداری

   دانلود مقاله Winning ARC grants: comparing accounting with other commerce-related disciplines

پنجشنبه , 28 آذر 1392 ساعت 12:51 دسته بندی : جورنال ,

دانلود مقاله : 

Winning ARC grants: comparing accounting with other commerce-related disciplines

نویسنده : 

Kevin Clarke, (Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia), Jack Flanagan, (Centre for Accounting and Assurance Research, Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia), Sharron O'Neill, (International Governance and Performance Research Centre, School of Accounting and Corporate Governance, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia)

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DOI 10 1108 10309611111186984 Permanent URL , Winning ARC grants comparing accounting with other commerce related disciplines , بانک مقاله حسابداری , دانلود مقاله , دانلود مقاله Winning ARC grants comparing accounting with other commerce related disciplines , دانلود مقاله ای اس ای حسابداری

   دانلود مقاله Properties of net income and total comprehensive income: New Zealand evidence

جمعه , 22 آذر 1392 ساعت 22:33 دسته بندی : جورنال ,

دانلود مقاله : 

Properties of net income and total comprehensive income: New Zealand evidence

نویسنده :

M. Humayun Kabir, (Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand), Fawzi Laswad, (School of Accountancy, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand)

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10 1108 10309611111187000 Permanent URL , Comprehensive income , Disclosure , Earnings , Income , Listed companies , New Zealand , Persistence , Predictive ability , Value relevance , Variability , بانک مقاله ایران , دانلود مقاله Properties of net income and total comprehensive income New Zealand evidence , دانلود مقاله ای اس ای , دانلود کتاب

   دانلود مقاله R&D profitability, intensity and market-to-book: evidence from Australia

جمعه , 22 آذر 1392 ساعت 22:31 دسته بندی : , جورنال

دانلود مقاله : 

R&D profitability, intensity and market-to-book: evidence from Australia

نویسنده : 

Kamran Ahmed, (School of Accounting, Faculty of Law and Management, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia), John Hillier, (School of Accounting, Faculty of Law and Management, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia), Elisabeth Tanusasmita, (Bombardier Transportation, Milton, Australia)

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10 1108 10309611111163691 Permanent URL , A GAAP , AIFRS , Accounting Research Journal , Australia , Financial reporting , Intangibles , Listed companies , Market to book , Research and development , intensity and market to book evidence from Australia , بانک کتاب , دانلود مقاله R D profitability , دانلود مقاله ای اس ای

   دانلود مقاله Auditor appointment in compulsory audit tendering

جمعه , 22 آذر 1392 ساعت 22:28 دسته بندی : جورنال ,

دانلود مقاله : 

Auditor appointment in compulsory audit tendering

نویسنده : 

Kym Butcher, (School of Accounting, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia), Graeme Harrison, (Department of Accounting and Finance, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia), Jill McKinnon, (Department of Accounting and Finance, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia), Philip Ross, (School of Accounting, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia)

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10 1108 10309611111163682 Permanent URL , Auditor appointment , Auditor choice , Auditor retention , Auditor rotation , Auditors , Australia , Compulsory audit tendering , Local government audit , بانک کتاب , دانلود مقاله , دانلود مقاله Auditor appointment in compulsory audit tendering , دانلود مقاله ای اس ای

   دانلود مقاله Engendering learning engagement in a diverse cohort: a reflection

جمعه , 22 آذر 1392 ساعت 22:24 دسته بندی : جورنال ,

دانلود مقاله : 

Engendering learning engagement in a diverse cohort: a reflection

نویسنده : 

Gary R. Oliver, (Discipline of Accounting, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia), Rodney Coyte, (Discipline of Accounting, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia)

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10 1108 10309611111163727 Permanent URL , Accounting Research Journal , Australia , Deep learning , Diversity , Postgraduates , Shallow learning , Social learning theory , Team based learning , بانک مقاله و کتاب , بانک کتاب , دانلود مقاله , دانلود مقاله Engendering learning engagement in a diverse cohort a reflection

   دانلود مقاله Class absenteeism: reasons for non-attendance and the effect on academic performance

جمعه , 22 آذر 1392 ساعت 14:55 دسته بندی : جورنال ,

دانلود مقاله : 

Class absenteeism: reasons for non-attendance and the effect on academic performance

نویسنده : 

Astrid Schmulian, (Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa), Stephen Coetzee, (Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa)

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10 1108 10309611111163718 Permanent URL , Absenteeism , Academic performance , Accounting education , Class absenteeism reasons for non attendance and the effect on academic performance , Class attendance , South Africa , Students , بانک مقاله و کتاب , دانلود مقاله , دانلود مقاله Class absenteeism reasons for non attendance and the effect on academic performance
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